What the papers say: Friday's front pages - BreakingNews.ie
Friday's front pages covers a range of stories from a Mayo man who was a military volunteer in Ukraine being killed, to fears that the Government may have to pay significant compensation to asylum seekers after a landmark case. The Irish Times reports that an Irishman was killed while battling Russian forces in eastern Ukraine. The Irish Examiner lead with a piece that the Government may be forced to pay significant compensation to asylum seekers following a landmark court ruling after it failed to house an Afghan man seeking international protection. The Echo lead with a piece about job losses at Kepak's Cork processing plant with 120 jobs expected to go. Friday's front page pic.twitter.com/EAEhe24lSy — The Irish Daily Mail (@irishdailymail) April 27, 2023 In the UK, the rail unions deciding to strike on the days of major British events is among a range of stories that lead British newspapers on Friday. Advertisement The Daily Mail and Me...